A few years ago, no one knew very well what the aesthetic appliances. This is no longer the case today.
The aesthetic appliances appears everywhere. You can find synonyms for this expression with different variations on the word "apparatus" such as machines, apparatus, equipment... They all refer to the same thing, they all circulate by word of mouth.
Modernity has meant a revolution compared to the ways of conceiving life in the past, among other changes, it has brought about a strong commitment to the search for physical and emotional satisfaction.
In this context, beauty is one of the most important means to achieve social and personal success.
All of this has led to an enthusiastic demand for a unparalleled tool for meeting new needsAesthetic appliances, something that far from being a fad, is a solid reality that is here to stay.

What is aesthetic appliances?
The aesthetic appliances encompasses advanced technological devices that use different forms of energy (laser, ultrasound, radiofrequency, shock waves, light, etc.) to apply different beauty-related treatments: laser hair removal, cavitation and radiofrequency.
Depending on the type of energy transmitted, there are 4 main groups of aesthetic devices: mechanical, thermal, electrical and REM.
It is easy to understand that aesthetics equipment belongs to the field of modern technological developmentare devices subject to innovation and constant development with the aim of achieving maximum efficiency in their results and the greatest comfort in their use.
In this sense, companies in the appliance business need to invest in R&D&I. because for us the present must always be focused on the future.

The triumph of beauty
The expansion and establishment of aesthetic appliances in society stems from a trend that has become established in the contemporary world: the cult of the body and beauty, which is associated with a broader movement, the wellness.
This concept is defined by the wikipedia as "the constant and conscious pursuit of living life to its fullest potential". Another interesting idea is that of fitness, which would be a correlate of wellness in the physical sphere.
The Cosmobelleza Group, in collaboration with the Barcelona City Council, carried out a survey in 2013 to talk about the wellness and personal image sector, which helps us to focus the reflection in this post.
The wellness and personal image sector covers services related to the improvement or modification of physical appearance, with the consequent impact on the health of body and mind.
Harmonising body and mind as a necessary objective to approach happiness. And this, if it occurs, must be in society, in contact with others. This is where beauty establishes itself as a differential factor in achieving the successes we set out to achieve.
The survey that Philips Sonicare carried out in Spain in 2011 to study the social achievements that a beautiful smile allows, started with this statement
People with better physical appearance have more dense, heterogeneous and diversified social networks, which allows them to have better employment opportunities and better social mobility.
In our society, success comes from beauty, health and harmony. The image we convey is more important than ever, because it is more important than at any time in the past.
The traditional concept of improving a person's physical image has evolved towards a more global concept that has to do with improving health and personal wellbeing.
Aesthetic treatments not only help us to feel more beautiful, but also help us to work on our self-esteem in order to gain the necessary inner strength with which to face life in the best conditions.

Growth of the aesthetic devices sector
Medical Insight establishes an annual growth of 24% in the global aesthetic sector. In our country, this economic activity produces around one billion euros every year, even in the most difficult moments of the crisis.
According to the Spanish Perfumery and Cosmetics Association (STANPA), a market so closely linked to the aesthetic sector, ranks fifth in the EU. Not surprisingly, the export of these products exceeds some of the most emblematic in our country, such as oil, wine and footwear.
The Cosmobelleza Group survey offers us interesting data that help to underpin the consolidation of the aesthetic sector with reference to appliances
69% of the professionals in the sector consider it necessary to invest in aesthetic appliances despite the crisis.
58% of companies buy machinery when there is something new on the market that suits their needs.
Medical Insights adds to this picture by showing a 19.7% growth in global aesthetic device sales since 2008.
The concept of "aesthetic appliances"is here to stay because it solves an important demand within society.
Modernity has established the triumph of beauty, there are more means than ever to achieve it and it is increasingly important for progress in all spheres of existence. Hence the prominent role of aesthetic appliances, one of the most important resources for achieving happiness in today's world.
At Innovapro we firmly believe in our mission and we work hard to achieve it, because, like you, we feel passion for beauty.